Welcome at the EURO OES show in the Netherlands

It was 16 years ago that the OESCN organized this show. So it’s time to organize the EURO OES again in Holland.

The World Dog show is during the Whitsun weekend 2013 so we had to move to an other date. We choose to organize the show at 11th May, the Saturday after Ascension day. Exhibitors who will come from far can travel on Thursday, Ascension Day. On Friday they can participate in the excursion, golf course, seminar and informal diner. On Saturday the show. And you can return home on Sunday. In this way, the exhibitors don’t need many days off from work.

Show schedule

At this page you can see the schedule for the show day with amount of entries.


If you need a vet in the neighbourhood, you can contact

Dierenkliniek Pietersberg
Pietersbergseweg 14
6862 BV Oosterbeek
+3126 3333730


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