The people behind the EURO OES 2013
The board of the OESCN is pleased to organize the EURO OES 2013. We hope to meet you all. I think you will understand that there is much work to do to organizing such a big event. To arrange everything in detail the board has made a shooting script with a tight timeline.
Even before the EURO OES 2012 was organized we had arranged the hotel. The biggest mistake we made was to tell the name of the hotel during the EURO OES 2012. After the EURO OES 2012, exhibitors immediately tried to book a room online and they got the message that the hotel was fully booked. The OESCN has booked the entire hotel for the EURO OES and exhibitors can only book a room by this website. This brought much unrest among the exhibitors and visitors of the EURO OES 2013. Please accept our apologies.
More information about the hotel
Fortunately, the EURO OES is an event that you can arrange for a longer period and where you can meet other passionate oes lovers. The board is very pleased that Charlotte van Wauwe-Calmerman and Elles de Boorder have spontaneously offered to help us. Charlotte makes great cartoons which we are allowed to use on the EURO OES site. She has also very good ideas for the EURO OES weekend itself. Elles is a top craftswoman. She has designed the site and taught us how the content should be completed. Regularly she gave us tips how we could do it better.
After the site is online, we hope that you are as excited as the board of the OESCN for the EURO OES 2013. We are all eager to meet you on 10th and 11th May 2013